일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | ||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |
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오라클 조인,서브쿼리 연습 본문
-- 학생
drop table student;
create table student(
id char(10) primary key, -- 학번
name varchar(20) not null, -- 이름
departmentId char(3) not null, -- 학과id
address varchar(50) not null -- 주소
insert into student
insert into student
insert into student
insert into student
select * from student;
-- 코드, ID등이 저장되는 테이블이 먼저 정의되어야 함.
-- 학과
create table department(
id char(2) primary key,
name varchar(30) not null
insert into department
insert into department
insert into department
-- join
select s.name, d.name
from student s, department d
where s.departmentId=d.id;
-- 책
create table books(
no char(6) primary key, -- 책번호
title varchar(50) not null, -- 책이름
author varchar(50) not null -- 저자
insert into books values('000001','오라클기본','이황');
insert into books values('000002','자바정복','율곡');
insert into books values('000003','HTML5','강감찬');
select * from books;
-- 책대여
drop table bookRent;
create table bookRent
( no char(10) primary key, -- 대여번호
id char(10) not null, -- 학번
bookNo char(6) not null, -- 책번호
rDate char(8) not null ,-- 대여일
constraint fk_bookrent foreign key(id)
references student(id)
insert into bookRent values('2017071301','EL20170001','000001','20170713');
insert into bookRent values('2017071302','CO20170003','000003','20170713');
insert into bookRent values('2017071303','SC20170004','000003','20170713');
-- 참조키 테스트 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Error. student에 존재하지 않는 ID 입력 불가.
insert into bookRent values('2017071303','Anonymous','000001','20170713');
-- Error. student에 존재하지 않는 ID 수정 불가.
update bookRent set
where no='2017071301';
-- Error. bookRent에 존재한는 ID를 student에서만 삭제 불가
delete from student where id='EL20170001';
select * from bookRent;
-- 학생이름, 책이름, 대여일
select s.name, b.title, br.rDate
from student s, books b, bookRent br
where br.id=s.id
and br.bookNo=b.no;
-- 모든 책의 목록이 출력된 상태에서 책을 빌린 사람을 보여주기.
select b.title,s.name,br.rDate
from books b left outer join bookRent br
on b.no=br.bookNo
left outer join student s
on br.id=s.id;
select b.title,s.name,br.rDate
from bookRent br right outer join books b
on b.no=br.bookNo
left outer join student s
on br.id=s.id;
-- 전자공학과 학생들의 대여횟수 집계
select count(*) as 대여횟수
from bookRent b , student s
where b.id=s.id
and departmentId='EL';
select count(*) as 대여횟수
from bookRent b , student s
where b.id=s.id
and departmentId=(select id from department where name='전자공학과');
-- 전자공학과, 컴퓨터 공학과 학생들의 대여횟수 집계
select s.departmentId, count(*) as 대여횟수
from bookRent b , student s
where b.id=s.id
and (departmentId='EL' or departmentId='CO')
group by s.departmentId;
-- 서브쿼리의 결과값이 여러개(행의 수가 여러개)일 때 in 사용.
select s.departmentId, count(*) as 대여횟수
from bookRent b , student s
where b.id=s.id
and departmentId in (select id from department
where name='전자공학과' or name='컴퓨터공학과')
group by s.departmentId;
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