일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | ||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |
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3/5 sql 본문
select * from emp;
select * from dept;
desc dept;
select empno,ename from emp;
select ename, q'[tom's book]' as col2 from emp;
select deptno from emp;
select distinct deptno, ename from emp;
select ename,job from emp;
select ename || '_' || job as name_job from emp;
select empno,ename,sal from emp
where sal<1000;
select empno,ename from emp
where empno=342423423;
select id from member where id='hkd' and pw='1234';
select ename,hiredate
from emp
where hiredate='80/12/17';
-- 숫자 : 작은따옴표 없음
-- 문자열,날짜 : 작은따옴표로 표시.
select ename,sal*2+100 as sal
from emp;
select * from emp
where sal>=2000 and sal<=3000;
select * from emp
where deptno = 20 or deptno=30;
select * from emp
where deptno in (20,30);
select * from emp
where deptno in (select deptno from dept where loc='BOSTON');
select * from emp where comm is not null;
-- null 과 ''(빈문자열) 은 다르다.
-- ''(빈문자열)을 컬럼에 넣을 수 있다. ename ='';
-- deptno로 먼저 sort한 후, depno가 같은 행을 다시 job로 sort함
select * from emp order by deptno asc, job desc,ename desc ;
-- 자동차회사에서 지역별로 판매실적 테이블을 여러개 만든 후
-- 하나로 합쳐서 결과를 출력할 때 union을 사용할 수 있다.
create table seoulSales(
no int,
carName varchar(10)
insert into seoulSales values(1,'소나타');
insert into seoulSales values(2,'그랜져');
insert into seoulSales values(3,'아반떼');
create table jejuSales(
no int,
carName varchar(10)
insert into jejuSales values(1,'소나타');
insert into jejuSales values(2,'그랜져');
insert into jejuSales values(3,'아반떼');
select *
(select * from seoulSales
union all
select * from jejuSales)
order by carName;
select carname from seoulsales;
select carname from jejusales;
insert into seoulsales values(5,'스타렉스');
insert into seoulsales values(6,'제네시스');
insert into jejusales values(5,'싼타페');
insert into jejusales values(6,'투산');
select carname from seoulsales
select carname from jejusales;
select * from emp;
select count(*) 직원수 from emp;
select count(mgr) "상사가 있는 직원 수" from emp;
select count(comm) from emp;
select sum(comm) from emp;
select avg(comm) from emp;-- null 제외
select max(comm) from emp;
select min(comm) from emp;
select * from emp;
select sum(sal) from emp;
select avg(sal) from emp;
select max(sal) from emp;
select min(sal) from emp;
select * from emp;
select deptno, job,max(sal) from emp
group by deptno,job
order by 1,2;
select * from emp;
select job, sum(sal) as sumSalary
from emp
group by job
having sum(sal)>=5000;
select job, sal as sumSalary
from emp
where sal>2500
group by job;
select empno,nvl(comm,0) from emp;
select avg(nvl(comm,0)) from emp;-- null을 0으로 변경.분모가 14
select avg(comm) from emp;-- null을 빼고 분모가 4
select deptno,nvl(job,' '),round(avg(sal),1) avg_sal,count(*) cnt_emp
from emp
group by rollup(deptno,job);
select deptno,nvl(job,' ') job,round(avg(sal),1) avg_sal,count(*) cnt_emp
from emp
group by cube(deptno,job)
order by deptno, job desc;
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